Head of Office

Contact Number

Citizen’s Charter






The Municipal Budget Office aims to be the catalyst in the delivery of transparent and good governance with in the locality.



The Municipal Budget Office shall ensure to spend available resources within limits, spend on the right things and be more efficient in the delivery of services.


Mandates and Functions

1. The Municipal Budget Office provides technical assistance to the Municipal Mayor, Sanggunian Bayan and other officials of the municipality on budgetary policies, rules and regulations;

2. Assist the Municipal Mayor in the preparation of Annual and Supplemental Budgets of the Municipality;

3. Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislations;

4. Assist the Sanggunian Bayan in the review of budgets of component barangays; and

5. Recommend availability of appropriations/allotments and obligations to which expenditures may be properly charged.


Regular Programs and Projects

  1.  Electronic Budgeting System
  2.  Barangay Planning and Budgeting
  3.  Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (PFMAT)


Services Offered

  • Preparation of Annual/Supplemental Budgets
  • Barangay Budget Review
  • Certification of Obligation Requests
  • Processing of Purchase Requests
  • Preparation of Statement of Appropriation, Allotment, Obligations and Balances
  • Preparation of Quarterly Allotment Release Orders